How To Start An Ecommerce Business (2023 Playbook)

What To Include In A Competitor Analysis: For Ecommerce Sites (2023)

Gerrard + GPT
Last updated: 
June 20, 2023
5 min read

Understanding your competition is an integral part of running a successful ecommerce business. Conducting a comprehensive competitor analysis can give you insights into what strategies are working for others in your industry, helping you make informed decisions about your own business. This article will guide you through the critical components of a competitor analysis for ecommerce sites.

Identifying Your Competitors

The first step in a competitor analysis is identifying who your competitors are. They typically fall into two categories:

  • Direct Competitors: These are businesses that offer similar products or services and target the same customer demographic. They directly compete with you for market share.
  • Indirect Competitors: These businesses offer different products or services but solve the same or similar customer needs. They might not pose as immediate a threat, but it's essential to keep an eye on them as they could pivot into your market space.

You can use tools like Google Search, social media platforms, and industry reports to find out who your competitors are.

Analyzing Competitor Websites

Once you have identified your competitors, the next step is to analyze their websites. Here's what you should be looking for:

  • Website Design: How is their website designed? Is it user-friendly? What is the quality of the images and content?
  • Product Offerings: What products are they selling? What are their best sellers? How are their products priced?
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: What are customers saying about their products? What ratings do their products have?
  • Shipping and Returns Policy: How do they handle shipping and returns? What are their policies?

Studying Competitor Marketing Strategies

It's essential to understand how your competitors are marketing their products. Consider the following:

  • SEO: What keywords are they ranking for? What is their domain authority?
  • Content Marketing: Are they running a blog or producing any other forms of content?
  • Social Media Presence: What platforms are they on? How often do they post? What type of content do they share?
  • Email Marketing: If possible, subscribe to their email newsletter. Look at the frequency, content, and design of their emails.
  • Paid Advertising: Are they running any paid ad campaigns? Where are they advertising?

Reviewing Competitor Customer Engagement

Finally, analyze how your competitors engage with their customers. Look at the following:

  • Social Media Engagement: How do they interact with their audience on social media? What is the response time?
  • Customer Service: How do they handle customer inquiries and complaints? Is their customer service proactive or reactive?
  • Loyalty Programs: Do they offer any customer loyalty programs or incentives for repeat purchases?

To make this process easier, consider using tools like ChatGPT and Bizway. ChatGPT can help you generate reports, while Bizway can assist you in creating actionable roadmaps for your ecommerce business based on your competitor analysis.

This comprehensive analysis will allow you to understand your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and reveal opportunities where your business can gain a competitive edge. Remember, the goal of the competitor analysis isn't to copy what your competitors are doing, but to find gaps and opportunities that you can exploit to grow your business.

Step-by-Step Guide to a Competitor Analysis

  1. Identify Your Competitors: Use online tools and resources to determine who your direct and indirect competitors are.
  2. Analyze Competitor Websites: Review their design, product offerings, customer reviews, and shipping policies.
  3. Study Their Marketing Strategies: Look at their SEO strategies, content marketing efforts, social media presence, email marketing tactics, and advertising campaigns.
  4. Review Customer Engagement: Evaluate their social media engagement, customer service, and any loyalty programs they offer.
  5. Implement Findings: Use the insights gained from your competitor analysis to optimize your ecommerce site and marketing strategy.

Best Tools To Use For Competitor Analysis

1. SimilarWeb: This tool provides a detailed analysis of website traffic and user engagement. You can use it to monitor your competitor's web traffic, top referring sites, and user engagement metrics.

2. SEMRush: SEMRush is excellent for tracking your competitors' SEO and SEM strategies. It allows you to monitor keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and paid advertising campaigns.

3. Moz: Moz offers a range of SEO tools that can help with competitor analysis, such as keyword explorer, link explorer, and on-page metrics.

4. Ahrefs: Another comprehensive SEO tool, Ahrefs enables you to analyze your competitor's website for backlink profiles, keyword rankings, and top-performing content.

5. SpyFu: SpyFu offers insights into your competitors' most profitable keywords for both organic search and AdWords, which can be highly valuable for your SEO and SEM strategies.

6. Social Blade: This tool is essential for competitor analysis on social media. It allows you to track user engagement, follower growth, and content performance across multiple social media platforms.

7. ChatGPT: This AI tool can be useful in mining data from customer reviews and social media discussions about your competitors, providing valuable insights about their strengths and weaknesses.

8. Bizway: An AI-powered tool that helps with strategic planning, Bizway can generate competitor analysis data to inform your business plans and strategies.

Pros And Cons Of Using AI For Competitor Analysis


  1. Automation: AI tools can automate the competitor analysis process, saving you a significant amount of time and effort.
  2. Accuracy: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data with greater accuracy than a human, reducing the risk of errors.
  3. Real-Time Insights: AI tools can provide real-time insights into your competitors' activities, helping you to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace.
  4. Predictive Analysis: Some AI tools can analyze trends and patterns in the data to predict future behaviors, giving you a competitive edge.


  1. Complexity: AI tools can be complex to set up and require a certain level of technical expertise to use effectively.
  2. Data Privacy Concerns: The use of AI tools for competitor analysis can raise data privacy concerns, particularly if they are used to gather data without consent.
  3. Cost: High-end AI tools can be expensive, potentially making them inaccessible for small businesses.
  4. Dependence on Data: The accuracy and usefulness of AI tools depend on the quality and quantity of data they have access to. If data is limited or inaccurate, the insights generated may be misleading.

In conclusion, while AI can offer significant advantages for competitor analysis, it's important to be aware of potential challenges and ensure that these tools are used responsibly and ethically.

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