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Legal Requirements for Starting an Online Business in the UK

Gerrard + GPT
Last updated: 
June 20, 2023
5 min read

Understanding the legal requirements for starting an online business in the UK is vital. From data protection to consumer rights, it's critical to comply with these laws to avoid costly fines or even business closure.

This guide covers some of the most common requirements for UK online businesses getting setup.

**Be sure to do your own research for your individual business case, and if you have questions get in touch with a legal professional.

Steps to Start an Online Business in the UK and Associated Legal Requirements

1. Decide on a Business Structure: Choose between becoming a sole trader, entering a partnership, or creating a limited company. Each has unique legal and tax implications, so pick the one best suited to your situation.

Legal Requirement
: Register your business with the relevant authorities. For a limited company, this means incorporating with Companies House.

2. Choose a Business Name: Select a unique, catchy name that represents your brand well. If you're a sole trader, you can trade under your own name or choose a business name.

Legal Requirement
: Ensure your business name doesn't infringe on existing trademarks and is not offensive or misleading. If you're a limited company, it must also meet additional rules set by Companies House.

3. Create a Website: Start building your online presence. This can be done through an ecommerce platform like Shopify or by building your website from scratch.

Legal Requirement: Comply with the UK's web accessibility standards to ensure your site can be used by everyone, including those with disabilities.

4. Data Protection and GDPR Compliance: If you're collecting personal data from customers or visitors, ensure your practices align with data protection laws.

Legal Requirement: Be transparent about data collection, storage, and use. Obtain consent where necessary, and provide a clear privacy policy detailing your data practices.

5. Comply with Consumer Rights and Trading Regulations: Provide clear, accurate information about products, prices, delivery charges, and cancellation rights.

Legal Requirement: Comply with the Consumer Contracts Regulations and other consumer protection laws.

6. Register for Tax: Determine if you need to register for VAT, and understand your obligations for Income Tax.

Legal Requirement: Register for VAT if your turnover reaches the current registration threshold. Pay Income Tax on the profit your online business makes.

7. Protect Your Intellectual Property: Safeguard your brand, inventions, and designs from misuse by others.

Legal Requirement: Consider registering trademarks, patents, or designs where necessary.

8. Ensure Health and Safety: If you operate from commercial premises, even at home, ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Legal Requirement: Comply with health and safety regulations.

9. Get Business Insurance: Protect your business from unforeseen circumstances like lawsuits or damages.

Legal Requirement: While not always legally required, consider professional indemnity insurance, public liability insurance, and employers' liability insurance for protection.

Business Structure and Registration

Before you start trading, you need to decide on a business structure and register it with the relevant authorities.

Sole Trader

Becoming a sole trader is the simplest way to run a business, and does not involve paying any registration fees. However, you are personally responsible for any debts that your business runs up, which can make this a risky option if you're planning to borrow money.


If you're going into business with others, a partnership can be a good option. Partners share the business's profits, and each partner pays tax on their share. A partner doesn’t have to be an actual person. For example, a limited company counts as a 'legal person', and can also be a partner.

Limited Company

If you set up a limited company, the company's finances are separate from your personal finances. Your company must be registered ('incorporated') with Companies House. This involves choosing a company name, preparing certain documents and setting up a company bank account, among other steps.

Data Protection and GDPR Compliance

The UK's Data Protection Act (2018) aligns with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which governs how businesses must protect personal data. If you collect personal data (such as names, emails, and addresses), you need to be GDPR-compliant. This means being transparent about how you collect, store, and use this data, among other responsibilities.

Consumer Rights and Trading Regulations

In the UK, several laws protect consumers when they shop online. The Consumer Contracts Regulations give online consumers a right to a "cooling-off" period, during which they can change their mind about a purchase. You must also provide clear information about products, prices, delivery charges, and cancellation rights before a customer places an order.

Tax Obligations

You need to register for VAT if your turnover of VAT taxable goods and services supplied within the UK for the previous 12 months is more than the current registration threshold, or you expect it to go over that figure in the next 30 days alone. You must also pay Income Tax on the profit your online business makes.

Intellectual Property

You may need to protect your brand through a trademark, patent your invention, or register your design to prevent others from using them without your permission.

Health and Safety

If you operate out of commercial premises (even if they're in your home), you must follow health and safety regulations.

Business Insurance

While not legally required in most cases, business insurance such as professional indemnity insurance, public liability insurance, and employers' liability insurance can provide valuable protection.

Key Takeaways

Setting up an online business in the UK involves several legal steps, from registering your business and understanding tax obligations, to ensuring you comply with data protection laws and consumer rights. Following these regulations will ensure your business operates lawfully, helping it grow without the threat of legal repercussions.

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