How To Create and Sell Digital Products Online (2023 Playbook)

101 Digital Product Ideas: Brainstorm With AI (2023)

Gerrard + GPT
Last updated: 
June 20, 2023
5 min read

How To Brainstorm Product Ideas With AI

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we generate and conceptualize new product ideas. This is especially true in the field of digital products, where the creative process often involves dealing with vast amounts of data and complex patterns.

AI tools, like OpenAI's GPT-3 or Bizway, can help by analyzing existing data, recognizing emerging trends, and suggesting novel product ideas based on these insights. They use machine learning algorithms to recognize patterns and provide suggestions that might not be immediately apparent to the human eye. You can feed these tools with parameters specific to your business, such as your target audience, current trends in your industry, and your unique value proposition.

The List of 101 Digital Product Ideas

  1. E-books: Offer in-depth knowledge on a specific subject.
  2. Online Courses: Provide structured learning material for self-paced education.
  3. Membership Websites: Grant access to exclusive content for a fee.
  4. Digital Art: Sell unique designs or illustrations.
  5. Photography: Offer high-resolution images for personal or commercial use.
  6. Software: Develop solutions to specific problems.
  7. Mobile Apps: Design simple apps for iOS or Android.
  8. Web Apps: Develop simple web-based software (you can even use no-code app builders for this).
  9. Graphic Design Templates: Offer ready-made design templates.
  10. Stock Music: Sell royalty-free music.
  11. Podcasts: Produce series of spoken-word content.
  12. Digital Magazines: Publish online periodicals.
  13. Animated Graphics: Create and sell unique animations.
  14. Webinars: Host live, interactive online seminars.
  15. Digital Cookbooks: Compile recipes into a downloadable e-book.
  16. WordPress Plugins: Develop tools to enhance WordPress functionality.
  17. SEO Services: Provide strategies to improve website rankings.
  18. Virtual Reality Experiences: Create immersive VR content.
  19. Online Coaching: Offer personal guidance in various fields.
  20. Social Media Content: Sell pre-made posts, graphics, or videos.
  21. Website Themes: Design attractive and functional themes for websites.
  22. Marketing Automation Tools: Develop software for automating marketing tasks.
  23. Business Tools: Create digital tools to help businesses run more efficiently.
  24. Video Tutorials: Provide step-by-step instructions on a specific topic.
  25. Online Fitness Programs: Design workout routines that can be accessed anywhere.
  26. Virtual Events: Organize online conferences or festivals.
  27. Printable Planners: Create and sell planners that customers can print at home.
  28. Resume Templates: Design ready-to-use resume templates.
  29. Budgeting Tools: Develop digital tools to help people manage their finances.
  30. Digital Scrapbooking Materials: Offer digital elements for scrapbooking.
  31. Video Games: Develop games for various platforms.
  32. Online Communities: Establish a platform for like-minded individuals to connect.
  33. Coding Tutorials: Provide lessons on various programming languages.
  34. Online Interior Design Services: Offer digital consultations and design plans.
  35. Language Learning Apps: Develop an app that aids in learning a new language.
  36. Virtual Tours: Provide immersive virtual experiences of different locations.
  37. Augmented Reality Apps: Develop AR apps for educational or entertainment purposes.
  38. Personal Finance Courses: Teach people how to manage their money.
  39. Meditation Apps: Create a digital space for mindfulness and relaxation.
  40. Digital Marketing Guides: Provide in-depth information on digital marketing strategies.
  41. Fitness Apps: Develop a fitness tracking or exercise instruction app.
  42. Photography Courses: Offer a comprehensive course on photography techniques.
  43. Animated Educational Videos: Create engaging learning content.
  44. Music Lessons: Provide online instruction in various instruments.
  45. Data Analysis Tools: Develop software to help businesses analyze their data.
  46. Ecommerce Platforms: Create a platform for businesses to sell products online.
  47. Fashion Design Templates: Offer digital templates for fashion design.
  48. Travel Guides: Write comprehensive guides to various travel destinations.
  49. Healthy Eating Plans: Develop meal plans focused on nutrition.
  50. Children's Educational Games: Create engaging and educational games for children.
  51. Mobile Applications: Design a user-friendly app that solves a particular problem or offers a unique service.
  52. Animated Explainer Videos: Create informative animated videos that can help businesses explain their product or service.
  53. Virtual Reality Experiences: Develop immersive virtual reality content for education, gaming, or virtual tourism.
  54. Stock Music: Compose and sell original music tracks for use in podcasts, videos, or games.
  55. Language Learning Course: Create a course that helps users learn a new language.
  56. SEO Guide: Write a comprehensive guide on SEO best practices and strategies.
  57. Social Media Marketing Toolkit: Develop a set of templates and guides for effective social media marketing.
  58. Email Marketing Templates: Design professional and customizable email templates for businesses.
  59. Online Cooking Classes: Share your culinary skills through an online course.
  60. Fitness Tracker App: Create a mobile app that helps users track their fitness goals and progress.
  61. Business Plan Templates: Design templates that can help entrepreneurs create their business plans.
  62. Online Yoga Classes: Offer virtual yoga classes or courses for different levels.
  63. Interior Design Guide: Write a comprehensive guide on interior design principles and trends.
  64. Budgeting App: Develop a financial app that helps users manage their budget and track expenses.
  65. Voice Over Services: Provide professional voice over services for ads, animation, or audiobooks.
  66. Customizable Website Themes: Design themes for different website platforms like WordPress or Shopify.
  67. Personal Development Course: Create an online course focusing on self-improvement areas like confidence-building or time management.
  68. Meditation App: Design a user-friendly meditation app offering guided meditation sessions.
  69. Graphic Design Tutorials: Develop a series of tutorials teaching various graphic design techniques.
  70. Digital Coloring Books: Create digital coloring books for children or adults.
  71. Podcast Editing Software: Develop a user-friendly software that helps podcasters edit their recordings.
  72. Stock Photos: Provide high-quality stock photos for businesses or creators.
  73. Home Workout Plans: Create detailed workout plans that can be done at home.
  74. Data Analysis Course: Offer a comprehensive course teaching data analysis skills.
  75. Virtual Conference Software: Develop a software that helps businesses conduct virtual conferences.
  76. Wedding Planning Guide: Write a step-by-step guide on planning a wedding.
  77. Digital Planner: Design a digital planner that users can customize according to their needs.
  78. Photography Course: Create an online course teaching photography skills and techniques.
  79. Nutrition App: Develop an app that helps users track their nutrition and plan meals.
  80. Coding Bootcamp: Offer an online course teaching different coding languages.
  81. Virtual Reality Games: Create immersive VR games for different platforms.
  82. Influencer Marketing Guide: Write a comprehensive guide on influencer marketing strategies.
  83. Web Development Course: Provide an online course teaching web development skills.
  84. Gardening Guide: Develop a detailed guide for gardening beginners.
  85. Parenting E-Book: Write an e-book offering parenting tips and advice.
  86. Music Production Course: Create an online course teaching music production.
  87. Personal Finance App: Develop an app that helps users manage their personal finances.
  88. Freelance Toolkit: Provide a set of resources and templates for freelancers.
  89. Art Tutorials: Create a series of tutorials teaching different art techniques.
  90. Digital Scrapbooking Kit: Provide a kit with digital scrapbooking materials.
  91. Recipe E-Book: Write an e-book with a collection of your unique recipes.
  92. Productivity App: Develop an app that helps users increase their productivity.
  93. Fashion Design Course: Offer an online course teaching fashion design principles.
  94. Resume Templates: Provide customizable resume templates for job seekers.
  95. 3D Printing Models: Create and sell 3D printable models for different uses.
  96. Video Game Development Course: Offer a course teaching video game development.
  97. Virtual Tour App: Create an app that offers virtual tours of different places.
  98. Digital Marketing Audit Template: Provide a template for conducting digital marketing audits.
  99. E-commerce Guide: Write a comprehensive guide on starting and running an e-commerce business.
  100. DIY Crafts Tutorials: Create a series of DIY craft tutorials for different skill levels.
  101. Augmented Reality Experiences: Curate AR experiences for entertainment, education, or marketing purposes.

Best Tools To Create Digital Products

  1. Canva: A powerful design tool perfect for creating graphic designs, e-books, and templates.
  2. WordPress: A versatile platform for creating websites, blogs, or online courses.
  3. Adobe Creative Suite: A comprehensive set of tools for graphic design, video editing, and more.
  4. Shopify: An ecommerce platform ideal for selling digital products.
  5. Podbean: A platform for hosting and distributing podcasts.
  6. Udemy: A platform for creating and selling online courses.
  7. Bizway: An AI-powered tool that assists in planning, building, and launching digital products. Bizway provides market insights, competitor analysis, and launch strategies to ensure your product's success.

Pros And Cons Of Using AI To Come Up With Product Ideas

AI has become a vital tool in coming up with product ideas, but like any technology, it comes with its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Speed: AI can process vast amounts of data faster than a human.
  2. Unbiased Decisions: AI uses data and algorithms, eliminating human bias.
  3. Trend Identification: AI can analyze data to identify emerging trends.


  1. Lack of Creativity: While AI is great at processing data, it lacks the creative intuition of a human brain.
  2. Data Dependence: AI relies heavily on the data it's given. If the data is inaccurate or biased, the outputs will be too.
  3. Potential Cost: AI tools can be expensive, especially more advanced solutions.

In conclusion, brainstorming digital product ideas with AI can be a game-changer, offering speed and data-driven insights. However, it's essential to remain involved in the process, providing creativity, and cross-checking AI outputs for relevance and viability.

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1. Brainstorm tasks you wish you could automate.
2. Build your team of AI Assistants.
3. Grow your business faster in Bizway.
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